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Proven Performance


Fraud Investigation - Oil Industry

Conducted investigation that involved digital forensics, physical evidence, and global tracking. Discovered internal fraud and embezzlement.

Due Diligence Research - International Commerce

Performed due diligence research for an international corporation that was considering an acquisition of a foreign company.  Our research uncovered asset and financial anomalies that was a driver in the decision to not acquire.

Information Operations - Government and        Public Space

Exposed disinformation delivered by three coordinating NGOs, which was harming our client.  We built and helped execute an Information Operation to expose the disinformation and successfully counter the damaging narratives.

Competitive Intelligence - Business Development

This project involved the collection of information for a client (government contract firm) that was used to build a competitive proposal.  We gathered and analyzed competitor service methodology, which was critical to our client's winning proposal.

Performance: Projects
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